Too funny. I was just reading last year’s final entry, which was written while waiting for Starbucks 6750 to pull down their rollups. It was remarkably concise, the important bit being just these two paragraphs:
I’m excited because next year is going to be huge. Huge, I tell you. I don’t know how yet, or what it will involve, but I know when at least.
I’m writing this down now so I can look back on this in December 2005, while lounging in my throne room, and I can laugh and say, "Man I was so right."
Honestly, I cannot remember what "huge thing" I had in mind, although all things considered, 2005 was a pretty good year for me. I was fortunate enough to work on two big web projects, one for Ayala Land International and another for Red Ribbon, as well as two smaller ones, for the Ad Congress and myHomeland. I also ironed out a long-term relationship with a UK-based marketing firm, redesigned Highfiber and Guttervomit, and debuted B&B and oKs. Currently, I’m still doing about 80% of the work myself, but I am slowly learning to spread it around.
Still no throne room though, although the past year has seen me redefine my benchmark for success somewhat: I think I’d like to lounge in a yacht instead.