This is technically Project 03, but the real Project 02 was such a fiasco that I’d rather not remember it at all. So I’m basically rewriting (company) history here and naming RedRibbonBakeshop as B&B’s Project 02, coz it looks a lot nicer on the resume and I’m actually pretty proud of this one.
Of course, I’d be a lot prouder if I had gotten my way with all of the bleeding-edge features that I wanted to use, but conservative corporate attitudes won out again unfortunately. I was pretty disappointed when the management finally decided to go with the more traditional shopping-cart approach, but it would’ve been wrong for me to try to argue them down just because I wanted a site I could really brag about.
However! Being the uber-geek that I am, I decided to be really cute and hid an easter egg on the site. (It’ll be our little secret hehe, don’t tell anyone.) Here’s how you view it:
Login with the email address and the password "ajaxdemo" to see what the shopping-cart would have been like if I had gotten my way. All the products can be dragged and dropped in to the cart and all the server queries occur without page reloads. This site was supposed to AJAX to the max. Sigh.
As always, bug reports and general feedback are welcome.