This is a long shot, but just thought I’d throw this one out there to see if anyone’s interested. I’m selling my 20Gb iRiver H320 audio player for PhP10,000. It’s less than one year old (I bought it in October 2004, for Php21,000) and is in reasonably good condition (well … it’s in better condition than my phone anyway). You can see what it looks like here.
To be honest, I actually didn’t want to sell this because it’s got a certain sentimental value (it being my very first mp3 player and all), but I need to liquidate some of my assets to help fund the small company I’m starting.
The only catch is that you’ll need to buy your own pair of headphones for this. I accidentally dropped the original pair in a bowl of soup a couple of months ago and had to buy a mid-range pair of Sennheisers to replace them with (worth about 1k, as I recall). I can’t really include the Senns in the package because I still use them every now and then … unless you want to buy those off of me as well I guess.
So if anyone’s interested, just leave a comment here, or I guess.